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Hello, I'm Anj Bourgeois.

I learned to catch my junior year of college after being an infielder my whole life. 

So I understand how hard catching is.

I literally started 'from the ground up.'

That's why I created "Catching Made Simple" - because learning to catch shouldn't have to be as hard as it was for me.

My Story


"So what do you think about transitioning to catcher?" my college coach asked me.

"It's dangerous. The skill sets transfer, but it's a completely different skillset."

 "There's a chance you could get caught in-between and not end up playing."

"Let me think and pray about it," I responded

So I thought, prayed, and jumped in.

I started by stretching and learning everything I could. 

I knew I wouldn't be any good if I wasn't flexible enough in my catching stance. 

Throughout my time catching, I went down some deep rabbit holes on my quest of maximizing my potential:

I read Jason Kendall's book and Player's Tribune articles by AJ Ellis on "Catching Aces."

I scoured twitter and instagram for drills and techniques from people like The Catching Guy and Jerry Weinstein.

I listened to Mental Performance courses and audiotapes from Brian Cain to sharpen my mental game.

I watched hours of Next Level Catching Academy YouTube videos and hacked the system by searching "Madison Bumgarner strikeout montage" so I could watch Buster Posey receive and block.

Heck, I even took Spanish classes because I knew if I was going to catch professionally, about half the guys I would catch would have Spanish as their native language.

Basically, I aggressively learned and implemented everything I could find around catching.

But most importantly of all, I found a coach.

He worked with me for 6 weeks over winter break, and I got 10x better in those 6 weeks than I had in the past 6 months working by myself.

10x better in 1/4th the time.

Think about that.

That's the power of a good coach. 

And I'd love to be that multiplier for you.


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