$349.00 USD

CatchCORE Flex

What You Get When You Invest In CatchCORE Flex:

🗺️ 1. Plan - The proven process that's helped 100s of catchers get better quickly

🔧 2. Drills - The right drill videos to make sure you know exactly WHAT to work on and HOW to do it

📈 3. 1:1 Video Feedback - individualized video reviews to help make sure you're working on the right thing

⛓️ 4. Accountability - to make sure you do the work so you can experience the results!

👥 5. Weekly group calls (Recorded in case you miss it)

🤯 6. Mind-blowing confidence - because you did the work to get better... and got better!

What People Are Saying:

I really think I've got a shot at taking the varsity spot this year because of the confidence I've gained from this and everything I've been implementing from this challenge.

Jackson - Jr in High School

My other coaches just yelled at me without teaching me how to get better. But I learned more in 4 weeks from you than 3 months with other coaches! You can already see the difference in the games!

Gian & Israel - 13 yo catcher in Puerto Rico

I'm blown away, honestly. He had baseball camp all this week and they were very high level kids. He's the only kid there who was on his first year [of catching]. Most of the kids are four year travel kids and stuff. Seven years [of playing] even, right at 12. It's crazy. But a lot of these kids are very high level and so we're going in there, I'm going there not really expecting much, but when they came to the catcher's drills, he put his equipment on with the other catchers. They went through stances and honestly, he was a lot further along than some of the tenured catchers.

Mark - Parent of 12 year old catcher, Bubba

"The unexpected [thing], that we got from all this was I know he's the one doing the video, but I'm the one filming the video. And just from where I'm standing, I could definitely see an improvement, even from day one to say day seven, working on the same skills. You know, things are looking more natural by day seven.

Henry - Little League Dad