Learn The 4-Step Plan To Get Ready For Varsity Catching

These 4 steps have helped 100s of catchers get ready for varsity baseball through 1:1 video coaching:
1. šŸ§± Master Your Movements
2. šŸŽ Get Game ReadyĀ 
3. šŸ–Œ Nail The Nuances
4. šŸŒŸ Learn To Lead

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A proven plan for incredible results

Understand catching like never before

Prepare yourself for the varsity level

The 4 BIG Problems Keeping You From Varsity (And Beyond šŸš€)

If you want to play varsity baseball, there's 4 main problems you're going to face:

1. You can't move correctly
2. You can't move in the game
3. You aren't prepared for every situation
4. You don't know how to leadĀ 

And what that causes is:

- You don't look like a varsity catcher
- You don't playĀ like a varsity catcher
- You don't performĀ inĀ pressure situations
- You don'tĀ earnĀ the respect of the team and coaches

And this can be very discouraging. I don't want that for you.Ā 

TheĀ 4 Step Plan On How To Get Ready ForĀ Varsity

The plan solves each of those problems in order

1. Master Your Movements
2. Get Game Ready
3. Nail The Nuances
4. Learn To Lead

And throughout your whole journey...

- You have a trusted guide
- Guiding you in a proven process
- Giving you personalized feedback

This ensures you goĀ FURTHER and FASTER without as many mistakes :)

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āŒ Compare this to your 3Ā OLD options

If you're anything like my other clients before they started working with me,Ā you likely fall into one of these 3 "old plans" below:

Old plan 1 (YouTube): Search YouTube for ā€œbest catching drillsā€ and try to do some in the backyard or at practice. Get frustrated because youā€™re not seeing the drills translate over to the game. Try to tell them to adjust their stance and they say ā€œIā€™m already doing that!ā€ Realize youā€™re missing the big picture on how it all fits together and go search for more drills online. Repeat.

Old plan 2 (In Person Lessons): You spend time researching and asking around for who can do catching lessons. You find out there are no good catching coaches near you. Maybe youā€™re one of the lucky people who has a good catching coach near you. Then you run into 3 types people who are all at least a 30 minute drive away and all charge $60-$120 an hour:

  • Coach 1 - Used to catch in the minors - this guy caught a long time ago. You wonder if heā€™s up to date on the most current trends with catching or if youā€™re going to get ā€œgotta want it back thereā€ shouted as he chucks balls off your kidā€™s forearms.
  • Coach 2 - Current college or pro player - this guy is likely pretty good and up to date, but heā€™s busy and is playing consistently. Itā€™s hard to get on the calendar with them consistently.
  • Coach 3 - Current coach or pro player - this guy is also likely a pretty good coach, but heā€™s always looking for the next coaching role, so he could be gone at any point.

Regardless of who you work with, you run into the same problem:

Your kid makes good progress while in person but doesnā€™t practice at home (or practices incorrectly). Then at the next catching lesson they repeat the same mistakes as last week.

Repeat and print out cash for this coach who does drills you saw on YouTube that you could do at home. Plus when you look at the total on the gas meter when you fill up your tank again and when you see what time you get home you end up asking yourself ā€œis there a better way than this?ā€

Old plan 3 (Online Course): You grab an online course on catching (this is especially true for softball). This helps you get the information you need to get better at catching, but thereā€™s no feedback for you personally, which leaves you asking ā€œAm I doing this right? I think Iā€™m missing something.ā€ You leave the online course saying ā€œI donā€™t think this online thing works. I think Iā€™ll look for in-person lessons near me again.ā€

In PersonĀ -> Online

So how did I come up with this video coaching model that's helped so many catchers?Ā 

Well, I found myself doing in person lessons with catchers and we'd make great progress in lessons...

but then they'd come back the next week and repeat the same mistakes.

Well, I love to obsess about "learning how to learn" and I thought to myself, "How do I:
- Do a little a lot
- Teach one thing at a time
- In the most effective progression?"

And so I stopped all my in person lessons and had them do a daily online program with me (it wasn't even called CatchCORE yet haha).

And the results were crazy. They got so much better. So much faster.Ā Ā Ā 

Plus they liked online better than in person lessons because they could see themselves in slow-motion, see the lines I was drawing on their body, and hear my feedback.

Plus, it was only 10 minutes a day and their bodies started toĀ develop muscle memory from the consistent practice.

11u Catcher Improves From Online Catching Lessons. Coach Bougie is in shock with how much he improves!

So I knew there was something here and I went all in on it.Ā 

Since then, I've helped 100+ catchers go through CatchCORE and they've made crazy progress šŸš€

Who is Coach Bougie?

If you don't know me, I'm Coach Bougie. IĀ help catchers get better quickly.

You might have seen my free catching content (@catchingmadesimple) on social media.

I transitioned from a middle infielder to a catcher my junior year of college (which is really late), so I know the challenges a catcher faces when learning the position.

I was literally in your shoes! (Which is why I love working with catchers like you).

And yes, I played at Biola with Coach Rac.Ā 

We're good friends andĀ were in each other's weddings.

And now we get to make baseball content together

Plus, we help young men and women get ready for varsity and become better peopleĀ šŸ’Ŗ

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HowĀ The Varsity-Ready Plan Is Set Up

All three ways to start are through CatchCORE. We'll break down the specifics of each in a minute.Ā 

For now, understand CatchCORE feeds into the rest of the Varsity-Ready plan.

The 3 Differences Between CatchCOREs

The main differences are in:
1. Frequency
2. Philosophy
3. Focus

Here's what that means:

Frequency = How many times you practice and get feedback.

CatchCORE takes a dailyĀ approach (7x a week).

CatchCORE Softball takes a daily approach with a day off (6x a week).

CatchCORE Flex takes an every other day approach (3x/wk).

*You can still practice every day in CatchCORE Flex but you only submit and get feedback on 3 videos a week.

Okay, on to the #2 difference: Philosophy!

Philosophy is the framework for how the training is structured.

*This primarily applies to the weekly structure*

Here's how it applies to the CatchCORE Models:

In CatchCORE and CatchCORE Softball, we focus on what happens most:
1. Stances
2. Receiving
3. Blocking
4. Throwing

In CatchCORE Flex, we focus on lowest hanging fruit (or easiest to fix):
1. Stances
2. Blocking
3. Throwing
4. Receiving

Alright, nice work. You're tracking this well.Ā 

Now let's move onto the #3 difference: Focus

There are 2 main parts to focus:

1. Movement: Mechanical Technique

2. Level: Stage of Movement Training We're In

Both movements and levels work together.Ā 

(Remember, we're solving a *movement* problem first)

But you think think movement breaks down the levels a bit more specific.Ā 

Here's how this applies to CatchCORE:

You can see CatchCORE adds an additional day between CatchCORE Flex.

It essentially breaks down each "level" into two movements.

So here's the final comparison between the 3 starting options:

Whatever CatchCORE option you take, you'll build a foundation that's ready for varsity...

And beyond šŸš€

So how do you choose which one?

Here's my recommendation:

If you value a deeper foundation, go with CatchCORE or CatchCORE Softball

If you value time efficiency, go with CatchCORE Flex

Some Examples of WhatĀ You Could Experience:

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What You Get When You Invest InĀ CatchCORE:Ā 

šŸ—ŗļø 1. PlanĀ - TheĀ proven processĀ that's helpedĀ 100s of catchers get better quickly

šŸ”§ 2. Drills - TheĀ right drill videos to make sure you know exactly WHAT to work on and HOW to do it

šŸ“ˆ 3. 1:1 Video Feedback -Ā individualized videoĀ reviews toĀ help make sure you're working on the right thing

ā›“ļø 4. Accountability - to make sure you do the work so you can experience the results!

šŸ‘„ 5.Ā Weekly group calls (Recorded in case you miss it)

šŸ¤Æ 6. Mind-blowing confidence - because you did the work to get better... and got better!

*Note - you will need to get a tripod for this! I have one I recommend inside the course.

Your 3-Step Process to Rock-Solid Fundamentals:

1.Ā Buy the program

Click the "Get The Founder's Pricing" button and check out offer.Ā If you like it, go ahead and buy your spot :)

2.Ā Get trained and coached

You will receive a proven plan to develop and personalizedĀ video feedback to help you improve faster than ever before.

3.Ā BecomeĀ aĀ changedĀ catcher

In just 4 weeks, you willĀ be a changed catcher more ready for Varsity.

Start seeing the progress you want TODAY!

What are you waiting for?

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Another Example of The Feedback You Get:

Remember, you get the plan to develop in an online course, then personalized feedback like this.


How DoesĀ the Communication in CatchCORE Work?

1. Watch and record your video

Watch the video in the course for that day. ThenĀ send me 1) the video of yourself doing the drill and 2) the picture of your journal.

2. Get Personalized Feedback

You'll get daily feedback on your videos and journaling to help you learn faster.

3. See Your Game Grow

When you focus on the right things, reflect, and get good feedback, your game skyrockets!

Become A Varsity-Ready Catcher Today

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