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Catching Made Simple Podcast Episode 1 - an introduction blog post

The Catching Made Simple Podcast: An Introduction

podcast May 12, 2023

The Catching Made Simple Podcast is a new resource for catchers, parents of catchers, and coaches of catchers who want to improve their skills and understanding of the position.

In this first episode, founder Anj Bourgeois shares his personal story of converting to a catcher in college and how it inspired him to create Catching Made Simple.

The Coach’s Call

Anj had been an infielder his entire life until his coach asked him if he wanted to make the transition to catcher.

Anj embraced the challenge and went for it.

He had success early, but also experienced a lot of failure.

Throughout it all, he learned how to teach catching in a way that people really like because he is able to break it down in a way that is simple to understand.

An Outsider's Advantage

His ability to break things down in a way people understand comes in large part because he was an ‘outsider’ to catching.

Since he converted to the position from playing infield, he had to learn the position from the ground up, where every other catcher starts.

This outsider's perspective gives him an advantage in teaching catching, as he had to learn the fundamentals from scratch and is able to empathize with players learning the position for the first time.

Accelerating Development

Through the podcast, Anj hopes to help listeners accelerate their development and become better catchers and people.

He plans to cover a range of topics, including the purpose of catching, skill development, and in-depth discussions of the contents that will eventually be included in his book, Catching Made Simple.

Resources for Improvement

For those looking for more personalized coaching, Anj offers the 4 Week Catching Fundamentals Challenge.

It’s a program that teaches you the fundamentals of catching with the right plan, drills, feedback, and accountability.

If you want to learn more, check out the link above then book a 15 min Catching Consultation.

What to Expect in the Catching Made Simple Podcast

Listeners can expect deep dives into the fundamentals of catching, tips and tricks for catchers of all skill levels, and personal anecdotes from Anj's experience.

The Catching Made Simple Podcast is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their catching skills and knowledge of the position.

Overall, Anj's passion for catching and teaching shines through in this first episode, and listeners are sure to be inspired by his story and motivated to improve their own skills.

Tune in to the Catching Made Simple Podcast for more tips, insights, and stories from Anj.

Interested in getting coaching from Catching Made Simple? Book a free 15-min Catching Consultation.

Or check out the store for other courses and coaching.

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Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

Grab this free 15-minute video to understand the three phases of a throwdown and learn how to drop your pop.

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