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A Little League Dad's Journey to Find the Perfect Catching Program

testimonials Jul 16, 2023

Henry was looking for a way to help his little league catcher, Nathan, get better, but was limited by the catching coach options available to him. Then his wife found Coach Bougie online while looking for catching programs to help their son Nathan improve. They were looking for a program that didn't require too much time commitment but was effective. They wanted to improve Nathan's catching skills and iron out some issues around his fundamentals.

CatchCORE was easy to follow along to because it teaches in small bits every day. Nathan enjoyed the program and has learned how to block and do his stances correctly. Making the blocking videos and watching Coach Bougie's critique videos were Nathan's favorite part of the program.

All in, it took about 15 minutes a day to watch the videos, do the work, and journal. But they would also throw in some extra practice, so they stayed out for a little longer.

Henry filmed Nathan doing the drills and saw an improvement in his skills over time (even by day 7). Nathan found the program fun and easy to follow. "You learn a lot, but it's really fun because he doesn't make it hard on you," Nathan said. "You learn it bit by bit. So it's really easy to do."

Nathan's stances are now pretty solid, and he is doing proper receiving techniques and picking up short hops. They still need to work on Nathan's blocking, but they just finished that section the day before they filmed the testimonial video. Henry plans to continue practicing with Nathan and repeating the same concepts over and over to get him ready for fall and spring ball.

Nathan has learned a lot from the program and found it fun and easy to follow. "I thought it would be like a hard camp where some of the things you taught me would be pretty complicated, but now that I'm doing it, I think that you do teach us hard stuff, but like in tiny bits every day," Nathan said.

Henry saw an improvement in Nathan's skills and enjoyed filming Nathan doing the drills. "The unexpected [thing], that we got from all this was I know he's the one doing the video, but I'm the one filming the video. And just from where I'm standing, I could definitely see an improvement, even from day one to say day seven, working on the same skills," Henry said. "You know, things are looking more natural by day seven."

Overall, Henry and Nathan's experience with the CatchCORE was a positive one. The program's easy-to-follow format and focus on small, manageable tasks helped Nathan improve his catching skills without overwhelming him. Henry was able to see the improvement firsthand and enjoyed being involved in the process. If you're looking for a simple and effective way to improve your catching skills, Henry and Nathan highly recommend Coach Bougie's CatchCORE program.

Before CatchCORE

  • Henry's wife found the program online while looking for catching programs to help their son Nathan improve.
  • They wanted to improve Nathan's catching skills and iron out some issues around his fundamentals.
  • They were looking for a program that didn't require too much time commitment but was effective.

During CatchCORE

  • The program is easy to follow along to because it teaches in small bits every day.
  • Nathan enjoys the program and has learned how to block and do his stances correctly.
  • Making the blocking videos and watching Coach Bougie’s critique videos were Nathan's favorite part of the program.
  • It took about 15 minutes a day to watch the videos, do the work, and journal. But they would also throw in some extra practice, so they stayed out for a little longer.
  • Henry filmed Nathan doing the drills and saw an improvement in his skills over time (even by day 7).
  • Nathan found the program fun and easy to follow.

After CatchCORE

  • Nathan's stances are now pretty solid, and he is doing proper receiving techniques and picking up short hops.
  • They still need to work on Nathan's blocking, but they just finished that section the day before they filmed the testimonial video.
  • Henry plans to continue practicing with Nathan and repeating the same concepts over and over to get him ready for fall and spring ball.
  • Nathan has learned a lot from the program and found it fun and easy to follow.
  • Henry saw an improvement in Nathan's skills and enjoyed filming Nathan doing the drills.

Next Steps to Becoming the Catcher You Know You're Capable of Being

If you saw this transformation story and want the same type of help, book a free 15 minute catching consultation with me (Coach Bougie) and let's get you the same kind of results!

If you're not yet ready to book a call, you may be interested in these resources:

Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

Grab this free 15-minute video to understand the three phases of a throwdown and learn how to drop your pop.

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