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Image of Anj Bourgeois, Founder of Catching Made Simple throwing and looking deceived because the thumbnail is titled "How to do a REAL pump fake: and the details of decepting the runner)"

How To Do A Catcher’s Pump Fake in a 1st and 3rd Situation

throwing Mar 14, 2024

Catching involves strategic movements, one of which is mastering the art of the pump fake.

A successful pump fake can make the difference in critical game situations, inducing base runners into making game-costing mistakes.

However, a sloppy, unconvincing pump fake is ineffective and a waste of a play.


Pump fake game weak? 🤨 If it's short-armed and unconvincing, no runner's falling for it🙅🏻‍♂️ Time to step it up 👏🏼 Full arm fake, low chest, back leg up, and clear lane – that's how you make them bite 🎣 Master this and you'll be fooling runners like Steph Curry breaks ankles 🏀

♬ Patiently Waiting (Instrumental) - The Instrumentals

3 Preposterous Pump Fake Mistakes

A noticeable pump fake lacks subtlety and believability. It's like trying to trick a savvy fish with a glaringly fake lure—no bite! Common mistakes include:

  1. Short-arming the Throw: A clear sign you have no intention to throw.
  2. Maintaining a Tall Chest and Static Back Foot: It signals a lack of commitment to the pump fake.
  3. Not Creating a Throwing Lane: It's a dead giveaway that no real throw is happening- you’d hit the batter.

These mistakes scream, “I’m not throwing it to second base,” rendering the fake useless. Attentive runners will see right through the façade, keeping their upper hand and advancing to the next bag.

Crafting a Believable Catcher Pump Fake

To perfect a pump fake that even seasoned runners fall for, you need to imitate the mechanics of a real throw precisely. Here’s how:

  1. Full Arm Fake: Go through the full movement you would if you were actually throwing.
  2. Lower Your Chest: Creating a convincing posture.
  3. Lift the Back Leg: You’d follow through if you really threw it, right? So do it when you’re pump faking as well.
  4. Create a Lane in Front of the Batter: You need a path to throw the runner out.

The Impact of a Convincing Pump Fake on a 1st and 3rd Situation

A well-executed pump fake can make runners second-guess, perhaps biting just a half step more, providing you the window to make a play. It’s about outsmarting the runners and controlling the game with detail and skill.

Next Steps to Mastering the Art of Catching

A successful pump fake is just one piece of the intricate puzzle of catching skills. It requires practice, precision, and a deep understanding of the game’s subtleties. If you’re eager to refine your catching skills, explore the following resources:

Interested in a more tailored approach to improving your catching techniques? Schedule a free 15-minute call with Coach Bougie to see how he can help you with what you’re struggling with.

I’ll catch ya later!

Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

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