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10 Year Old Catcher: “I got better and it got so much funner”

testimonials Aug 14, 2023

KG3 was 10 years old when his dad, Kenny, started watching Coach Bougie's videos on YouTube. They were both drawn to the coach's clear, concise instructions on the art of catching, and they quickly became fans.

Kenny's dad, KG3's grandpa, also enjoyed Coach Bougie's videos on Instagram and started sending them to Kenny. But Kenny had already seen all the videos he was being sent because they were so on top of it!

But KG3 had never been coached or trained in catching before, and as a result, he lacked confidence behind the plate. He didn't know what to do when a ball was thrown his way, and he wasn't sure how to position himself in order to best catch or block the ball.

That's when Kenny decided to reach out to Coach Bougie for help. They started CatchCORE, and KG3 quickly began to improve. He spent extra time working with his dad, honing his skills and practicing the techniques he learned from Coach Bougie's videos.

One of the things that KG3 enjoyed most about the program was spending time with his dad. They would spend hours practicing and refining his technique, and KG3 loved every minute of it. As he got better, catching became more fun and less intimidating, and his confidence grew.

Coach Bougie was instrumental in helping KG3 refine his technique. He would nitpick KG3's videos, pointing out areas where he could improve and helping him refine his technique. Over time, KG3's catching skills improved dramatically, and he grew more and more confident behind the plate.

KG3's favorite part of the program was having fun with his dad and getting better at catching. Kenny's favorite part was seeing his son's confidence grow and watching him get better and better at the basics of catching.

As a result of the program, KG3's confidence grew, and he began to enjoy catching more and more. He caught an older friend who was going to be a freshman in high school and did really well, a testament to the hand work he put in with Coach Bougie's program.

Overall, the program was a success for KG3 and Kenny. They learned a lot about the art of catching and had fun doing it. Coach Bougie's videos and program were instrumental in helping KG3 build his confidence and become a better catcher.

Kenny and KG3's Catching Transformation

Before CatchCORE

  • Kenny (the dad) watched Coach Bougie on YouTube and his dad (KG3’s grandpa) would send him Coach Bougie’s videos from Instagram
  • The main challenges KG3 faced as a catcher were he wasn’t confident because he had never been coached or trained.
  • Kenny had caught before, but the game has changed so much he was just trying to do the best he could by watching Coach Bougie’s videos
  • KG3’s lack of confidence was the main reason they decided to reach out

During CatchCORE

  • They spent extra time working because they were having fun together and so focused on getting better
  • KG3's favorite part was getting better and spending time with his dad practicing
  • Coach Bougie began to nitpick his videos to continue to refine his technique as he was getting better at the basics

After CatchCORE

  • KG3's is more confident and enjoys catching more because “I got better and it got so much funner”
  • KG3’s favorite part: “Just spending time with my dad and just having a blast”
  • Kenny’s favorite part: "That's where I saw the most improvement for him is the want to keep practicing and getting better it's fun when you're doing it right and succeeding”
  • As a 10 year old, he caught a friend who is going to be a freshman in high school and did really well!

Next Steps to Becoming the Catcher You Know You're Capable of Being

If you saw this transformation story and want the same type of help, book a free 15 minute catching consultation with me (Coach Bougie) and let's get you the same kind of results!

If you're not yet ready to book a call, you may be interested in these resources:

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-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

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