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How Coach Bougie's Program Helped Bubba Gain Confidence Behind the Plate

testimonials Jul 04, 2023

When Mark Banks signed his son Bubba up for Coach Bougie's program, he was just hoping to give his son a little more experience on the field. But what he got was so much more than that.

Bubba had just started playing baseball and was eager to learn. With Coach Bougie's guidance, he quickly learned catching stances and techniques, becoming comfortable in them and knowing he was doing them correctly. He had more confidence and was able to command the field, communicating with pitchers and infielders.

By the second weekend of the program, Bubba was throwing guys out at third and making plays confidently, even if his coach didn't fully understand his approach. He was raising his hand to answer questions before older and more experienced players.

Mark was blown away by the effectiveness of Coach Bougie's program. It was self-paced and fast-paced, requiring motivation to keep up, but it worked. Mark even found himself staying up late to see what was coming next. The program was so effective that Mark believes it should be a baseball library for beginners, like a know-all resource for catching.

Coach Bougie's program not only gave Bubba the skillset he needed on the field, but it also gave him confidence and the ability to communicate effectively with his teammates. Mark couldn't have asked for more from a program.

If you're looking to fast-forward your learning and gain confidence on the field like Bubba did, consider signing up for Coach Bougie's program. With its self-paced and fast-paced approach, you'll learn catching stances and techniques quickly and effectively. Who knows, you might just become the next confident and commanding player on the field.

Mark and Bubba's Catching Journey

Take a quick look at their before, during, and after experience doing this 4 Week program.

If you want to do this too, you can book a call here.

Before CatchCORE

  • Found Coach Bougie on TikTok and Instagram
  • Mark's son Bubba was just starting baseball
  • Wanted to get Bubba more experience and fast-forward his learning

During CatchCORE

  • Used Coach Bougie's program to learn catching stances and techniques
  • Spent about 15 minutes doing the work every day (watching Coach Bougie’s review, watching the new drill for that day, doing the work, journaling, sending the video and journal)
  • Program was self-paced and fast-paced, requiring motivation to keep up
  • Mark found himself staying up late to see what was coming next
  • Learned a lot of new things quickly

After CatchCORE

  • Bubba had more confidence and was able to command the field
  • Learned to communicate with pitchers and infielders
  • Became comfortable in catching stances and knew he was doing them correctly
  • Threw his first guy out at third by the second weekend
  • Had the confidence to make plays and knew he was right, even if his coach didn't know it yet
  • Raised his hand to answer questions before older and more experienced players

Next Steps to Becoming the Catcher You Know You’re Capable Of

If you’re a catcher or the parent of a catcher who believes it’s time to take catching more seriously, you might want to seriously consider CatchCORE.

It’s a remote, video-based, 4-week catching skills bootcamp solving the problem of teaching catchers how to move correctly.

Will you be a professional catcher by the time you’re done with it? No. You’d need LOTS more reps than you can get in 4 weeks.

But can you take massive strides in becoming a fundamentally sound catcher in 4 weeks? Absolutely.

With the right plan, the right drills, and the right feedback, it’s incredible how quickly you can develop skill.

If you’re interested in booking a call with Coach Bougie to talk about the program, book a free 15-minute Catching Consultation here.

And if you’re not yet ready to reach out, you might be interested in some of these other resources:

Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

Grab this free 15-minute video to understand the three phases of a throwdown and learn how to drop your pop.

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