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Online Catching Lessons with Coach Bougie Help Connor get better!

Online Catching Lessons Help Transform Connor’s Game

testimonials Aug 26, 2023

Gil and his son Connor wanted to improve Connor's catching skills. They joined Coach Bougie's CatchCORE program after finding it on Instagram.

The program taught catching mechanics in a structured way, with layered learning. Connor got better at catching and understanding the game.

Gil also found the program helpful. He could support his son better. Their journey shows how dedication, learning step by step, and good guidance are important.

Before CatchCORE Online Catching Lessons:

  • Gil found Coach Bougie's Instagram content, specifically a video about stances.
  • Because group training was expensive and not widely available, Gil decided to try online training for catching lessons.
  • Connor struggled with receiving techniques, often getting hit due to incorrect form or mispositioned elbows.
  • Gil sought a more methodical and cognitive training approach for Connor.

During CatchCORE Online Catching Training:

  • The CatchCORE method focused on step-by-step learning. Each day had a specific focus, gradually building on previously learned skills.
  • Connor liked this methodical approach and felt he absorbed the skills better.
  • Gil got more involved, which helped him understand the details of the game and how to best assist Connor.

After CatchCORE Online Catching Coaching:

  • Connor demonstrated a significant improvement in technique, particularly in receiving inside pitches.
  • He developed a greater self-awareness, now able to articulate and distinguish between correct and incorrect catching mechanics.
  • Gil observed a more proactive, organized, and enthusiastic Connor on the field.

Gil and Connor's Takeaways from CatchCORE Remote Training:


  • Found Coach Bougie on Instagram through a funny video that joked about "your stances suck."
  • Chose online training because it was affordable and flexible.
  • Liked the organized and step-by-step approach of CatchCORE, and noticed that both Connor and himself became better at understanding the game.


  • Initially struggled with the mechanics of receiving.
  • Found significant value in CatchCORE's structured, step-by-step methodology.
  • Noted considerable improvements in technique, especially in challenging areas like receiving inside pitches.

Next Steps to Becoming the Catcher You Know You Can Be

For budding catchers and their mentors keen to replicate Connor's transformation, consider checking out CatchCORE for advanced training.

If you’re not yet ready for that, dive deeper into Coach Bougie's expertise:

Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
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-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

Grab this free 15-minute video to understand the three phases of a throwdown and learn how to drop your pop.

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