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Image of Anj Bourgeois, or Coach Bougie, Founder of Catching Made Simple in a catching stance, squared up to the pitcher

Squaring Up to the Pitcher: Tips for a Perfect Stance

stances Sep 12, 2023

Think about this for a second- where does the ball come from when thrown? You might say, “Easy question, Coach Bougie!” Every pitch comes from the mound. Then why is your body facing towards first base? Or even the second baseman? This simple question can shed light on a critical aspect for catchers: ensuring you're correctly squared up to the pitcher.

What’s up guys, I'm Anj Bourgeois, aka Coach Bougie, the founder of Catching Made Simple. Whether you're in a single knee stance or a modified kickstand, aligning your body correctly to receive the pitch is paramount. Let’s break down how to get it right.


When your hips are squared toward first base, everything will be thrown off 🚫 Two simple adjustments will get you into the perfect stance 🫑 This applies to both single knee stance and modified kickstands: ALWAYS keep your hips square to the pitcher 🎯

♬ Wow. - Instrumental - Post Malone

Correcting Your Stance

If you find yourself unintentionally squared up to first base, a common oversight, there are a couple of straightforward adjustments you can make:

  1. Move the Front Foot Forward: Shifting this foot even slightly can change your body's alignment and better position you towards the pitcher.
  2. Pull the Knee Back: By adjusting your knee slightly backward, you help pivot your body to face the pitcher more squarely.

In some cases, a combination of both adjustments might be necessary. Though subtle, the key is ensuring that your hips are directly square the pitcher, optimizing your ability to receive, block, or throw efficiently.

This principle applies to the modified kickstand stance as well, showing its universal importance in all of your stances.

Next Steps to Enhancing Your Receiving Skills

Understanding body alignment and having the discipline to check and correct the nuances of your stance can make all the difference in your receiving game.

For those eager to delve deeper, Catching Made Simple offers invaluable resources:

Looking for something else? Book a free 15-minute Catching Consultation with me, and let’s see how I can best help you.

In every play, remember Coach Bougie's advice and ensure your body is squared up correctly. After all, the details make the master. See you on the field!

Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

Grab this free 15-minute video to understand the three phases of a throwdown and learn how to drop your pop.

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