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Summer Workout Plan For Baseball Players (10-14u)

training Jun 26, 2024

Recently, I had the fantastic opportunity to connect with over 40 young baseball athletes via Zoom. We talked about their current workout routines and came to the conclusion that, although it had a solid foundation, it needed to be more specific.

So, we brainstormed specific ways on how to enhance their training strategies to better support their growth and performance in a few definite areas.

Here's a breakdown of the common workout plans shared during our session and my recommendations for optimizing them.

@catchingmadesimple HERE’S HOW TO DRILL DOWN THOSE KEY SKILL SETS THIS SUMMER‼️ I discussed summer training routines with 40+ young athletes and this was the consensus: - Daily runs🏃‍♂️ - Hitting the gym 3x a week🏋️‍♂️ - Practice 3x a week⚾️ - Game once a week🏟️ Solid foundation, but here’s my spin for those aiming to level up: - Switch long runs for sprints and plyometrics for explosive power💨 - Ramp up skill development, focusing on hitting, throwing, and defense 💪🏽 #baseball #softball ♬ Still Not a Player (Remix) (Instrumental) - Big Pun

Common Workout Plans the Athletes Shared

The young athletes shared their typical weekly routines, which included:

  • Running: 0.5 to 1 mile daily
  • Gym Sessions: Three times a week
  • Practice: Twice a week
  • Game: Once a week

This regimen indicates a good balance between fitness, practice, and play.

Running daily helps build stamina, gym sessions enhance strength, and regular practices and games ensure they are applying their skills competitively.

Overall, a great basic routine that keeps these athletes on track!

What I think Your Workout Plan NEEDS

While the foundational elements of their routines are solid, I believe there are a couple of adjustments that could yield significant improvements:

1. Switch Long Distance Running to Sprints and Plyometrics

Why? While long-distance running is great for endurance, sprints and plyometric exercises are more effective for developing the type of speed and power needed in most sports.

These exercises mimic the quick bursts of action in games.

2. Increase Focus on Skill Development

Why? Physical conditioning is only one part of the routine. To really improve, young athletes need to focus on their technical skills. This includes dedicated time for:

  • Hitting: Enhance precision, power, and timing.
  • Throwing: Increase accuracy, speed, and arm strength.
  • Defense: This encompasses fielding in baseball or softball (infield, outfield, catching, and pitching skills).

Implementing Skill Development

To integrate more skill development into your routines, here’s a structured approach:

  • Structured Practices: Assign specific segments during practice to focus on each skill area. Use drills that replicate game scenarios.
  • Individual Feedback: Provide personalized feedback during practices, focusing on each player’s specific needs.
  • Video Analysis: Use video recordings of practices and games to analyze skills and provide visual feedback.

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♬ original sound - Coach Bougie ⚾️

Next Steps to Improve Your Summer Workout Routine

You came in wondering how to improve your workout routine as a young athlete — needing specific ways to improve rather than just going through the basic motions.

Now you know what specific skills to work on (hitting, throwing, and defense) and how to implement them into your own routines and practices.

If you're interested in further tailored advice or need specific drills and exercises for your sport, feel free to reach out or check out our dedicated resources:

Remember, the goal is to not only be physically prepared but also to master the skills that will make you stand out as an athlete. Keep pushing your limits, and let’s make training fun and effective!

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