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Image of Anj Bourgeois, Founder of Catching Made Simple, and Chris Murphy, founder of ICoachBaseaball in a squatting stance looking confused because the thumbnail is titled

The Optimal Time to Lower Your Glove to the Ground When Catching

receiving Aug 25, 2023

Every aspiring catcher has asked this question at some point: "When exactly should I lower my glove to the ground?"

This detail might seem small, but it's pivotal when receiving.

If you don’t know who I am, my name is Anj Bourgeois and I’m the founder of Catching Made Simple. I transitioned from infield to catcher my Junior year of college, having never caught before, and now have a passion for teaching other catchers the fundamentals of the game.

I’ve helped hundreds of catchers get into a better stance, learn the fundamentals of the game, and get their mindset right.

By the end of this article (and video!) you’ll know the the three potential moments you might think to bring your glove down during a pitch, and which is the best!


Catching Quiz 101πŸ“ Do you know the answer to this question?πŸ€” Watch til the end to see the answer🀫

♬ Wow. - Instrumental - Post Malone

When Should You Lower Your Glove as a Catcher?

Is it:

  1. At the start of the windup?
  2. As the pitcher breaks his hands?
  3. Or when the ball is already on its way?

If you thought the right time is the first moment, during the windup's start, you'd be a tad early. Doing so means you're not offering the pitcher an effective target.

On the other hand, if you wait until the third moment when the ball is in mid-flight, you'd be too late. The rushed movement might lead to an improper glove position, causing you to approach the ball from the center, which can lead to missed catches or even unintentional bounces.

The sweet spot? It's the second moment. As the pitcher breaks his hands, that's your cue! By positioning your glove down at this point, you're ready to efficiently receive, block, and even throw the ball. You're also providing an optimal target for the pitcher, aiding their accuracy.

Next Steps to Mastering Your Catching Technique

Understanding the precise moment to position your glove is a crucial component of becoming an elite catcher. It ensures that you're always ready to make a play, and it significantly improves the pitcher-catcher synergy on the field.

At Catching Made Simple, I create contentcourses, and coaching programs to help thousands of catchers increase their mobility, strengthen their mental game, and develop the physical skills they need to catch at a high level.

Book a call for a free 15 minute Catching Consultation with Coach Bougie if you want to get an expert take on what you need to do to get better.

And if you’re not yet ready to talk with me, check out these other resources:

Want to drop your pop?

A bad pop time will:
-Have teams run on you
-Make you sit on the bench
-Get you crossed off coach's list

Grab this free 15-minute video to understand the three phases of a throwdown and learn how to drop your pop.

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