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What's After CatchCORE? The Ultimate Catching Program catching coach courses video analysis Jan 18, 2024

At Catching Made Simple, we understand the importance of developing strong catching skills.

That's why we created CatchCORE, a revolutionary program designed to help catchers master fundamental movements and lay the foundation for future skill development.

But what comes next after completing...

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From Scared Of The Ball To Happy And Confident Behind The Plate testimonials Oct 28, 2023

Catching can be a scary position when you’re in a weird squat, balls are hurled at you, and batters swing a long metal stick next to your face!

Nicolino experienced some of those fears and this is his story about overcoming those fears with hard work, the right plan, and personalized...

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11u Catcher Improves More From Online Lessons (And Likes It Better Than In-Person!) testimonials Oct 22, 2023

Many parents think that online training doesn’t work. They’ll say things like:

“How can you manipulate their body and coach them?”

“My kid really doesn’t do online. He’s more of an in-person kid”

Aaron and his family were skeptical at first, but now...

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Ditching the "Touch the Fence" Throwing Technique throwing Sep 29, 2023

We've all been there – being taught certain techniques that have been passed down through generations, seemingly tried and true. "Touch the fence" when you're throwing is one such drill many of us grew up with. But upon deeper understanding, this drill is not the best to rely on.

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Learn to Be a Better Catcher with 3 Catching Progressions catching coach drills training Sep 24, 2023

If you don’t understand catcher progressions, you don’t know how to coach catchers. This may sound extreme, but these progressions serve as a roadmap for catchers, and if you don’t know the roadmap, you can’t guide them where they need to go!

If you don’t know who I...

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Learning to block with online catching lessons (Alastair) blocking testimonials Sep 13, 2023

Baseball is a game where every player has challenges to overcome. For Alastair, it was about blocking balls during games. This story shows how the right training can help.

The Problem - Why They Reached out to Coach Bougie

As Alastair gets older, the pitching mound moved back. This let to...

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Scared to block? Confronting Fear by Trusting Your Gear blocking Sep 13, 2023

The mind plays tricks on us, especially when faced with challenges on the field. One common lie we believe? Thinking, "This is gonna hurt."

Why Catchers are Scared to Block

Catchers are scared to block because blocking has hurt in the past. The reason that it has hurt previously is because...

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Squaring Up to the Pitcher: Tips for a Perfect Stance stances Sep 12, 2023

Think about this for a second- where does the ball come from when thrown? You might say, “Easy question, Coach Bougie!” Every pitch comes from the mound. Then why is your body facing towards first base? Or even the second baseman? This simple question can shed light on a critical...

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How to Throw a Runner Out After a Passed Ball craft plays throwing training Sep 10, 2023

The play at the plate following a passed ball is one of the most thrilling, bang-bang moments in baseball. It's also one of the most technique-intensive plays for a catcher. The difference between an out and a run can come down to mere milliseconds. So, how can you ensure you're executing this...

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8u Catcher Drills Transformation (From Simple Daily Practices With His Dad) drills testimonials Sep 02, 2023

When you get to 8u baseball, the catcher position become more and more important as passed balls matter more.

Rob and Tristan found my videos through instagram, took the 7 Day Stance Challenge, and were part of the first group of CatchCORE.

Let’s jump into their story and see how they got...

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Rediscovering the Joy of Baseball: Teddy's Transformational Journey with Coach Bougie testimonials Sep 02, 2023

From Doubt to Confidence Behind the Plate

Frank, Teddy's dad, could see that while his son was passionate about baseball, his dwindling confidence was robbing him of the joy of the game. He remembers, "I saw less of his smile on the field. The joy of playing seemed to vanish."

Teddy's challenges...

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The Perfect Battery: Powering the Game from the Mound to the Plate craft plays training Aug 30, 2023

When we think of batteries, our minds might instantly wander to those little cylindrical objects powering our remotes. But in the realm of baseball, "battery" takes on a whole different meaning - one that's pivotal to the game's flow. So, what's the connection between batteries and baseball?...

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